Saturday, June 14, 2008

What loving your underwear will do to you

So for those of you keeping up on this potty training process, Preston is using the potty and loves his "big boy" underwear. He loves them so much I caught him in the closet putting on multiple pairs over the pair he was already wearing. He couldn't not quite figure out how to get his legs in the holes so just pulled them on anyway he could. He was SO proud of himself. laughing, jumping around the bathroom, and actually saying cheese when I was taking his picture.

As the process of pulling on the extra underwear went on, Preston decided to get ready for the day like Mommy does. he pulled out my contact solution, then my deodorant and started putting it on! Kody decided that he wanted to get in the bathtub so Preston took full advantage and grabbed my shampoo and started washing him. Kody did not approve! I thought it was hysterical and couldn't put my camera down!

1 comment:

Runaway Farm said...

Those photos are too cute! My kids enjoy dressing themselves too. We usually have underwear and shorts on backwards all day. Sometimes they have the leg hole around their waist and two legs through the other leg hole! LOL! Do you scrapbook? Those photos would make an excellent layout!