Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Cheap, Clean, FUN

Who doesn't love bubble wrap? Especially when you get a plethora of it to lay across your floor like a slip and slide. Who says there is nothing to do in Macomb! Good "Red Neck" fun is what it is all about. As you can see Preston jumped right in and had the time of his life. So Preston thought it might be cute to wear bubble wrap. What a fashion forward little man!

Chase joined in the family fun, but I don't think he quite new what to think. This stuff made a lot of noise and everyone was jumping on it. Chase just sat there and pushed on it.
We tried holding Chase up so he could experience our Red Neck fun, but the look on the face tells all. As you can see Preston enjoyed diving into the bubble wrap, hence the foot in the bottom of the picture!

If only my camera would take the picture fast enough, Preston could actually be the next Michael Jordan with the height he had on his jumps!Tonight we had our friends over for dinner and play time. We had a nice time but the kids will have to get use to sharing there toys. Kayla doesn't want to share her toys with Preston and Preston won't share his toys with Kayla. The two of them crack me up! The more they play together they will learn how to share, or at least Andrea and I will keep saying, "You guys have to share!" Preston is not use to being around other kids consistently, so I have hopes that sharing is a skill he will soon learn!

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