Friday, June 13, 2008

Inspirational Article

On a friends blog today she wrote about how "interruptions" from her 3 year old triplets and 6 month old sometimes makes for the hardest part of her day and that she can't get anything accomplished. She wrote to the writer of my new favorite site simplemom to tell her that exact statement. This is what was received back:

A few years ago, a mentor of mine told me something that rings true for me every day - that those interruptions we have every 5 minutes as SAHMs (stay at home mom's ) aren’t really interruptions, they ARE our day. I may have an agenda to pay bills, clean out the fridge, go to the post office, etc., but my primary job really is to be an influence on my children. It’s worth the time to discipline for those little things, because that’s my main job. And it’s worth it to stop what I’m doing and play with blocks.

Stop and play with blocks, or get sand in your underwear like Mindy said. To many of us worry about cleaning the house, doing the dishes, getting the laundry done and forget that our most important job is just being Mom. What an inspiration to see that the things we find to fill are day truly are not the things that count. Although having a clean house is important and things do need to get done, loving our kids, playing in bubble wrap, those are the things that make a difference in our lives!

1 comment:

Runaway Farm said...

Thanks Jennifer! I am so surprised when people tell me that they read my blog because I think no one does (except my sisters). Plus I feel I blab on and on about boring things . . . so I checked you out too! Didn't know your last name so I was surprised when your blog came up and I saw your face -- I know her! Your little boys are super cute! I will be adding you to my list of daily blogs to read! I may see you soon as I need to come in for pictures of Reese too!