My Beautiful Boys
On a friends blog today she wrote about how "interruptions" from her 3 year old triplets and 6 month old sometimes makes for the hardest part of her day and that she can't get anything accomplished. She wrote to the writer of my new favorite site simplemom to tell her that exact statement. This is what was received back:
A few years ago, a mentor of mine told me something that rings true for me every day - that those interruptions we have every 5 minutes as SAHMs (stay at home mom's ) aren’t really interruptions, they ARE our day. I may have an agenda to pay bills, clean out the fridge, go to the post office, etc., but my primary job really is to be an influence on my children. It’s worth the time to discipline for those little things, because that’s my main job. And it’s worth it to stop what I’m doing and play with blocks.
Stop and play with blocks, or get sand in your underwear like Mindy said. To many of us worry about cleaning the house, doing the dishes, getting the laundry done and forget that our most important job is just being Mom. What an inspiration to see that the things we find to fill are day truly are not the things that count. Although having a clean house is important and things do need to get done, loving our kids, playing in bubble wrap, those are the things that make a difference in our lives!
Friday I took the kids to the playgroup and the boys were all going nuts over Rescue Heroes. Didn't know to much about them except what the six year old's were telling me. They had posters in there rooms and assured me that they were cool! Preston jumped in right next to them playing with these guys. My friend said that I should buy them if I ever saw them at a yard sale because they were kind of expensive and the trucks that they drive were hard to find.
Well I went garaging with Pam this morning and wouldn't you know I hit the mother load! I wanted to call Jan because I knew she would share my excitement. As I approached a 22 gallon box it was full of Rescue Heros. I started weeding through the Rescue Heroes I was not sure where to begin, so I asked for a bag! As I added up my $1.00 a piece action figures I stopped at 20. I went to load them in the car while Pam was testing out the double stroller she would soon purchase, and the people having the sale started unloading more rescue heroes. I asked for another bag! After filling my car, Pam and I were cracking up because this was the first sale and we filled my Escape. Before we got down the block I said to Pam, " You think I should ask what they want if I bought the whole box!" She laughed and said go for it. So I did! The family thought I was funny, but these things are $10.00 for the guys and $20.00 for vehicles. Plus the fire engine was $30.00. So I made a killing, $60.00 bucks later and we were on our way home. Now my only worry was explaining to Matt the amount of Rescue Heroes that were now part of The DeWitt Family!
So we now own 22 gallons worth of Rescue Heroes! Let me tell you they are cool and fun to play with. The boys took naps and I lined them all up and researched them on the internet to find out what pieces went with which guy. That is when I realized what a good deal I got. We both found great deals and plan on doing this again, if Matt let's us!
Preston joined the summer reading program at the library and read his first five books! He gets a prize on Monday! I am so proud of him. He is so polite to the ladies at the library. They all get a kick out of him. I took a few pictures of him with the first book he read for the program, it was called "Zoom." It was pretty fitting because it was about a little boy who wanted to ride on the dinosaur roller coaster. It was a pretty good pick since we didn't know there were dinosaurs in it!
Ok, so he won't stand still, but he is holding the book. Preston's new thing when you go to take his picture is closing his eyes and saying "no!"