Thursday, July 10, 2008

Only in Macomb

So how often does your Walmart have a petting zoo with everything from camels, zebras, a monkey, mixed with goats, llamas, and donkey's? Of course being the Macombie Homies that we are we went with our friends to check out this exciting event and for only one dollar you have your picture taken with a monkey! WOW!Preston was cracking me up, he was making monkey sounds at him the whole time he was climbing around my head! After looking at these pictures I realized that it wasn't a very cute monkey, in fact it looks like one of those flying monkey's from the Wizard of Oz. Actually he kind of freaks me out, but the kids liked him.
This picture cracks me up. Poor Chase did not know what to think.Poor Langston was more scared of standing next to Chase than the monkey.

Sonya was helping the boys feed the animals. There was quite the crowd of them once the food came out, but the boys did a great job!

1 comment:

Runaway Farm said...

That's a strange thing -- petting zoo at Walmart! Looks interesting although you're pretty brave to let that monkey on you. I wouldn't have done it but my kids probably would have! Too funny!