Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sunday with the DeWitt's

Happy Sunday to everyone! Our day has been filled with excitement and since it is nap time I thought I would write a little before Preston wakes up and it is time to play outside! Everyone knows how much Preston loves his dinosaurs, so this morning we made a dinosaur park out of tuperware. He thought it was really cool. The morning was filled with lots of rars from the little guy, as he calls them.

Rars get hungry after playing for awhile so we had to feed them cheerios! you know dinosaurs love Cheerios! Preston fed each one of them, so we had to have lots of Cheerios to share. He did snack a few bites, but he insisted that the rars ate the rest!
As much as Preston likes Dinosaurs, kitty kitty's rate the second highest. The cats like the fresh air, and Preston had to ruin their fun! Preston did save a few cheerios to share with baby! however Preston took a bits and only gave Chase half. He didn't have enough to share!Chase has learned to crawl, so it is hard to catch him looking at you for pictures. This was a point where there was a quick stop in between moving towards the door.

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