Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sunday with the DeWitt's

Happy Sunday to everyone! Our day has been filled with excitement and since it is nap time I thought I would write a little before Preston wakes up and it is time to play outside! Everyone knows how much Preston loves his dinosaurs, so this morning we made a dinosaur park out of tuperware. He thought it was really cool. The morning was filled with lots of rars from the little guy, as he calls them.

Rars get hungry after playing for awhile so we had to feed them cheerios! you know dinosaurs love Cheerios! Preston fed each one of them, so we had to have lots of Cheerios to share. He did snack a few bites, but he insisted that the rars ate the rest!
As much as Preston likes Dinosaurs, kitty kitty's rate the second highest. The cats like the fresh air, and Preston had to ruin their fun! Preston did save a few cheerios to share with baby! however Preston took a bits and only gave Chase half. He didn't have enough to share!Chase has learned to crawl, so it is hard to catch him looking at you for pictures. This was a point where there was a quick stop in between moving towards the door.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Nine Months Old Today!

What a little tough guy! I think it is so cute. He is wearing Preston's jeans and hat, and they fit!
Chase is usually not allowed to play with this toy since it is his big brother's, but he thought it was cool!

Can you tell that Chase was not happy with me in this picture! I think his little bottom was cold, but I thought it would be CUTE!
It is hard to believe that our little boy is nine months old today. This picture captures him perfectly. I ordered a print of this to go over his crib and I am SO excited to see it! I just loved it! Many people said that Gap should see this picture and that he might be there new baby model. I did send it in to them! Chase is now crawling. Preston is loving telling his brother no when he gets into things. Last night Preston actually tryed to pick him up, by the neck. Oh my, I'm in trouble. Preston is really coming along with his speech. He's saying several more words and when you sing songs he will tilt his head back and forth and try to sing with you. He doesn't know the words, but he sings anyways. SO CUTE! He knows what part comes next in some of the songs, so he always has a kiss waiting and a hug!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Preston is a BIG BOY

Hi Everyone! Mom just reminded me that I have not updated the blog in awhile! Things have been very busy in our house. It seems as though we are always running. Preston used the potty like a big boy last night. I think all the pee pee dancing and cheering Matt and I were doing cracked Preston up. We just wanted to let him know how happy we were that he was using his potty. Preston would dribble a drop and then jump up and clap and cheer. He sat back down and continued doing this for about twenty minutes. The proud Mommy that I am got the camera out although I have been told by Matt and Mom that I am SICK! Hey, I am just a proud mama! I will save everyone from posting those pictures, however I can't promise they won't be on this year's DVD!

Chase is sitting up and trying so hard to crawl. He can get from room to room by scooting around on his butt! I guess that is the Auntie Mel in him, SCOOTER! Chase will say Ah Oh all the time as well as Da Da. Preston and Chase have Ah Oh battles where one will say it and then the other will repeat and it just goes on and on. Preston is really taking a liking to Chase and if we turn and pretend not to pay attention Preston is heard talking to Chase. Chase just giggles. The boys seem to get cuter and cuter everyday. Can't wait to share more pictures as soon as I download them to the computer!

We have a busy weekend coming up, this weekend we are going to Grandma and Grandpa's for a visit. We are excited to see them as well as excited to see the other DeWitt's! I am sure that we will have a lot of fun pictures to post from our visit as well as lots to write about!
Stay Tuned!