Hi Everyone! Mom just reminded me that I have not updated the blog in awhile! Things have been very busy in our house. It seems as though we are always running. Preston used the potty like a big boy last night. I think
all the pee pee dancing and cheering Matt and I were doing cracked Preston up. We just wanted to let him know how happy we were that he was using his potty. Preston would dribble a drop and then jump up and clap and cheer. He sat back down and continued doing this for about twenty minutes. The proud Mommy that I am got the camera out although I have been told by Matt and Mom that I am SICK! Hey, I am just a proud mama! I will save everyone from posting those pictures, however I can't promise they won't be on this year's DVD!
Chase is sitting up and trying so hard to crawl. He can get from room to room by scooting around on his butt! I guess that is the Auntie Mel in him, SCOOTER! Chase will say Ah Oh all the time as well as
Da Da. Preston and Chase have Ah Oh battles where one will say it and then the other will repeat and it just goes on and on. Preston is really taking a liking to Chase and if we turn and pretend not to pay attention Preston is heard talking to Chase. Chase just giggles. The boys seem to get cuter and cuter everyday. Can't wait to share more pictures as soon as I download
them to the computer!
We have a busy weekend coming up, this weekend we are going to Grandma and Grandpa's for a visit. We are excited to see them as well as excited to see the other DeWitt's! I am sure that we will have a lot of fun pictures to post from our visit as well as lots to write about!
Stay Tuned!