Monday, March 10, 2008

Mr. Potato Head lost his glasses?

Mr. Potato Head lost his glasses, does anyone know where they went?
Well when you find them will you let Preston know, he's been looking for them! Every time I look at this it cracks me up! He is too funny!
Chase loves his blanket. It was sent to him from Kristin and Chris, his Godparents! They are the BEST! The kids always get wonderful little surprise's in the mail from them. Preston received a Superman music card for his birthday in December from Kristin and Chris and every time I ask him if he wants to read he brings me the card. When he opens it and hears the music he laughs and closes it quickly. It actually gets to the point that I have to take it away for a little while! I know mean Mommy!

Last weekend we had a day where the temperature was almost 80 degrees. You better believe that we got the kids out and went for a long walk. Here are a few pictures from our fun afternoon.After we were done with our walk we decided to let Preston eat one of the ice cream bars that he picked out earlier that day.
Ok so it was a huge mess, but he was proud of himself for eating it like a big boy! Earlier that day Preston and I went to HyVee to get some groceries. I decided since it was a nice day to let him pick out ice cream for later. Preston picked out the Nestle Crunch bars. I tried to by something else but he really wanted the Crunch bars. Preston would not let go of the box he held onto it for dear life. While we were walking towards the cash register Preston decided to let everyone know how excited he was about getting crunch bars. He kissed and hugged all over the box. Those who saw thought it was really funny. My poor kid is so deprived, he was that excited over an ice cream bar!

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