Friday, February 8, 2008

How Cute Is He

Preston is really into his blocks! He loves to stack them, sort them and sometimes throw them (which they get taken away). I think his favorite thing to do with them is lace them on a string and drag them on the floor so the kitties will chase him. Preston can run back and forth through our house for hours as long as he gets attention from the kitties! I can hear him giggling right now, just talking about it! He just laughs and laughs to the point he can't catch his breath.

We have been trying to teach him colors and shapes wih the blocks. Matt and Preston sit on the couch and try to review the daily lesson. Well this time they got a little distracted...

Matt decided to look through the block, and the little guy decided to follow suite. I am so glad I had my camera near by! This photo cracks me up. Just like Grandma taught Preston to say "Yes," (This is a funny story that I fill you in later about) Preston now uses the blocks as glasses!

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