Thursday, February 21, 2008

My Babies

God do I love my babies, all three of them! I wish I had a recent picture of Matt and I to post, because it almost doesn't seem fair not to have him on here!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

New Pictures

If you listen closely, you can almost her Preston making elephant sounds in this picture!

Yesterday we brought the boys in for pictures. I can't believe it, but chase is already seven months old. We had bought some new clothes for the boys and Chase barely fits in these shorts, which by the way are 18 months size! I don't know what we are going to do with him. Soon Preston will be wearing the hand me downs because his little brother is going to out grow him!

Love the GQ look going here boys. So do you think I am in trouble or what?

Friday, February 15, 2008

Chase is Sitting

Chase is finally sitting up on his own! Yeah Baby! I can't believe he will be seven months old on Saturday. Chase has developed into a wonderful, loving little boy. Just looking at him puts a huge smile on my face. I love you baby boy. -Mommy

Preston's Speech

Preston finally had his appoinment with the Developmental Therapist on Wednesday. He was really excited to meet Barb. I think he may have liked her because she brought a bag full of toys! Barb sat down and asked us 101 questions about Preston's Development. Then she proceeded to do several tests. It was really neat to see how Preston did! He is such a smart little boy. He rated above average on his development. Actually we needed him to a little less to get the recomendation for a speech therapist to come! He was a percentage point away from where they would recommend a speech therapist, but they are allowing him to be a part of the program, YES!
I hope the speech therapist calls soon so we can make our first appointment with her. Preston should be saying a lot more than he is and this therapy should help. Preston is trying to say a little more everyday, but we are still behind. This program should provide some great benefits for our little guy. I am hoping that it even gets him into school earlier. I just think that the kids who start before kindergarden are that much more ahead. Keep your fingers crossed! I'll keep everyonr posted on how he is doing!

Friday, February 8, 2008

How Cute Is He

Preston is really into his blocks! He loves to stack them, sort them and sometimes throw them (which they get taken away). I think his favorite thing to do with them is lace them on a string and drag them on the floor so the kitties will chase him. Preston can run back and forth through our house for hours as long as he gets attention from the kitties! I can hear him giggling right now, just talking about it! He just laughs and laughs to the point he can't catch his breath.

We have been trying to teach him colors and shapes wih the blocks. Matt and Preston sit on the couch and try to review the daily lesson. Well this time they got a little distracted...

Matt decided to look through the block, and the little guy decided to follow suite. I am so glad I had my camera near by! This photo cracks me up. Just like Grandma taught Preston to say "Yes," (This is a funny story that I fill you in later about) Preston now uses the blocks as glasses!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

A Sunday at Our House

Sunday began at 6:00 a.m. Sleeping in seems to be a thing of the past sometimes. Since Preston has been in his "Big Boy Bed," he doesn't understand that although it is cool, he does actually need to sleep in it. Chase also seems to enjoy morning and now wakes up before the sun comes out. The day began with Preston emptying his toy box. Good thing Matt is sleeping in! Not that Matt minds the toys, because he doesn't, but it was quite the mess! Chase has learned that he can jump. Who ever said white men can't jump. He has the strongest legs, and jumps like crazy. Preston really loved his Johnny Jumper and now that it has been passed to Chase, he is getting great use of it. Preston tends to try to help Chase, but that doesn't always go as planned. We have to always remind him that it won't hold a big boy and Chase!

Well I can see this blogging thing might be difficult. I hear Preston waking from a nap. So it's now time for Mommy mode.

Monday, February 4, 2008

The DeWitt Blog Begins

Hello to all of you who are interested in reading my blog. I guess I am starting this to help keep everyone aware of all aspects of life as a DeWitt.
Keep checking out this blog to see new updates on the kids and the Mom and Dad who make this family run.